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Prima Vista Quartet(String quartet with silent films)


Artistic Achievements
The Prima Vista Quartet has become a benchmark in the world of cine-concerts (silent films musical accompaniment) of which he explored repertoires as diverse as slapstick, expressionism, social realism, historical melodrama, swashbuckler, war movie, cartoon, documentary and historical archives, while visiting horizons as different as French, American, German, Russian and Chinese films.

Respectful of the aesthetic of each film, the Prima Vista Quartet performs for more than ten years in France and abroad, the original scores composed by Baudime Jam. Contrary to a common belief, the Prima Vista Quartet does not accompany silent films with classical music (or baroc, contemporary, jazz, rock, ethnic, etc.), but with... film music. Cinema has its own musical idiom and cineconcerts offer a unique opportunity to enhance its repertoire.
His first creation in 1999 (for "The General"), was followed by four short films in 2001, "Nosferatu" in 2002, "The Black Pirate" in 2004, two other short films in 2005, "Orphans of the Storm" in 2008, "The Goddess" and "The New Babylon" in 2010, «Studies on Paris» and «Two Stars in the Milky Way» in 2012, and two more shorts in 2013. Two creations are in process for 2014: «The Great War» and «Wings».
Respectful of the aesthetic of each film, the Prima Vista Quartet performs for more than ten years in France and abroad, the original scores composed by Baudime Jam. Contrary to a common belief, the Prima Vista Quartet does not accompany silent films with classical music (or baroc, contemporary, jazz, rock, ethnic, etc.), but with... film music. Cinema has its own musical idiom and cineconcerts offer a unique opportunity to enhance its repertoire.
Because music in film is the result of a meticulous and magical alliance with image, Prima Vista invites you to discover the full range of emotions of a string quartet at the service of the masterpieces of silent cinema. Each score is an invitation to indulge in a different and unique musical and cinematic world, in keeping with the diversity and uniqueness of each cinematographic work, in order to ensure consistency and compliance with the artistic intentions of the filmmakers.


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